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Zanzoun's fav moments

When she welcome me with a smile and come to me once i get home.

When she wakes up and u feel that she is late for an important appointment.

When she laughs when pulling Popsi's hair "i ll teach her later that is 7aram of course"

When she wanna go out with whoever going out even if he is a complete stranger.

When she fly with a joy, moving her hands in the air like a bird, and makes that loud laugh to
remind me how cute she is when i am about going out.

When she is watching Finding Nemo with all her senses, as if she understands every word :)

When she watch that krompo contest and focus so hard as if she is going to solve it.

When she stubburnly fight with me to type on the keyboard.

When she chew on her toothless side of her mouse even she has her first and only 2 front teeth as if she does not know the use of them

i just love her, she is so cute and i am very grateful to have just amazing niece el hamdolliah


Ice Queer said…
Aww...that's so cute! =)
May God bless her
Brownie said…
thanks alot IQ, and Ameen to ur prayer
Ma 3lina said…
That was soo sweet rabna ykhlihalek ;))
Brownie said…
Ma 3lina
Ameen ya Rab , thanks alot :)
Anonymous said…
Zaman 3an your Zanzoon posts :).
I've been reading your blog ever since you started blogging but never commented , i'm just curious how is your niece doing these days, and how old is she now ?

Brownie said…
Thanks a lot, that is so sweet of you. Zanzoun is now mashaa Allah a very smart kid as always, she argues and talks much sense now :)
Anonymous said…
Aww, how cute :).
Does she resemble you in looks and personality? and have she started 1st grade or not yet?

Brownie said…

thanks a lot :) she is much far prettier Mashaa Allah, she has the most adorable black eyes =)

My sister always tell me that all her bad qualities had got it from me ;)

She still in KG2

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