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Motivational thoughts

Since i have noticed recently that many people, including me, are suffering from depression, so i am going to write some words,which are not mine, that motivate me to get out of this mood, hoping it would help you too, so here we go:

- Don't tell Allah how big your problem is, but tell your problem how great Allah is.
-Thank Allah for what you have and trust Him in what You need.
توكل على الرحمن فى الأمر كله ولا تعجزن يوما عن الطلب
ألم ترى أن الله قال لمريم وهزى النخل يتساقط الرطب
وأن شاء من غير هذه جنته
ولكن لكل رزق سبب
Noly suggested the following and i really like them, thanks alot Noly
"You can't expect to prevent negative feelings altogether. And you can't expect to experience positive feelings all the time...The Law of Emotional Choice directs us to acknowledge our feelings but also to refuse to get stuck in the negative ones"
"You can be greater than anything that can happen to you". be continued
p.s whoever has motivational thoughts and would like to share, go ahead :)


Mani said…
BEAUTIFUL SENTENCE which helped me a lot when i was in high school! Thanks ya Safaa =)
salaam alaikum,

There is a great book called "Dont Be Sad" you can find it on it's an amazing read and always makes me feel better when i am feeling down.
Brownie said…
U r most welcome ya Mani :)

we alikom el salam
thanks alot for sharing, i ll start reading it inshaa Allah.
The.I.inside said…
You said whoever has motivational thoughts, so I won't say anything in order not to bring the whole Mood down.
Brownie said…
u don't have any :( they u ll have to read whatever i and others can suggest
I wish I cud help Brownie...
Sometimes I feel that I am full of nothing but energy and motivation...but at the moment...I just feel sooo...(I won't complete it)
Anyhow, it seems that I'll stick around here with u and read whatever other have to say.
As for u, I hope u feel better and recharged again soon. At least that'd cheer me up bardo.
Ma 3lina said…
I love the first quote :))

Thx for the motivation and yea depression is everywhere !!
Brownie said…
no pb my friend, and of course u r most welcome here.
thanks alot for ur wishes and i hope the best for all of us ya Rab.

u r welcome of course and for depression, i hope it will end soon ya Rab
Noly said…
Hello Brownie :)

As I'm joining this boredom crew now, I hope this can help:

"You can't expect to prevent negative feelings altogether. And you can't expect to experience positive feelings all the time...The Law of Emotional Choice directs us to acknowledge our feelings but also to refuse to get stuck in the negative ones".

"You can be greater than anything that can happen to you".
Brownie said…
Hi Noly,
thanks alot for sharing, actually i like them both and i will publish them right now :)
welcome to my blog.
Mohaly said…
Noly, u seem to be a star in all the blogs, keep it up :)
Noly said…
Brownie: Thanks alot for mentioning my name in your post and publishing the quotes which they are not mine bardo :), bgd I'm flattered :)

Mohaly: Thanks alot ya Mohaly :)
Brownie said…
actually she is :)

i am the one who should be thankful for sharing these quotas wz us :)

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