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Friday 13th

It was one of the days that i wake up feeling very lazy to move a muscle, having that long distance headache which bothers u but does not hurt, so it gave me another reason not to move so it would not increase.

the weather was so nice but i did not feel like going out.

ending the day with babysitting my niece for more than 3 hours was really painful, i took her for a walk, hoping that she might sleep but she did not, we watched finding Nemo, why i did not remember mn badry, anyway thanks God, her mother, my sister, came and i am finally off duty el hamdolliah.

tomorrow inshaallah will be another week at work,i am not looking for it honestly after this Friday, and also our company is merging with another and we are going to move so Rabana yostor.


Ma 3lina said…
Lol u reminded me wiz the movie, I am not into superstitious stuff coz I myself was born at 13th of sep but as u mention it , my pharmacy has been robbed today !!!

So was it coincidence to be at Friday the 13th !!!

Ps: ana momken babysit ur niece bs it will cost ya :)))
batates_777 said…
Finding nemo too :)..let me tell you this story!, 2 weeks back I had to babysit my nephiew bardo, and he was just pain in the *** hyper active..nothing satisfying him " not even the happy meal ! " coz the happy meal is the key sometimes with the TOY tab3n:D..whatever really,elmohem...i had the finding nemo on my PC , and i never watched it before, I thought he might like it..and yes he did indeed ( and me toooo),,that when his dad came over to take him home and the movie was still on, i completed the movie alone...
2 days later I watched it over again ...I really liked it!

few days later , another nephiew was in the house and I was trying to convince him to see a movie "was tryin to limit the damage he is causing to the house really " ..and again the nemo was replayed..and I was again watching it till the very end !!
I couldnot keep it when I saw your nemo here too :) the nemo effect:)

btw, wishing you best of luck in your upcoming merge:) work life and all :)
be good
Brownie said…
Ma 3lina
oh so sorry for the robbary, hope they catch the theif
i agree on u babysitting my niece but we have to make a contract, coz u most likely to escape after 1 day ;)

we should be grateful for those who made finiding Nemo, it has really magical effect.
thanks alot for ur wishes :)
Gihan said…
I love the new theme!! Bgead its amazing..

Rabbena yostor bardo. Today is Sunday, the first day of the week and I practically cried from the fear of what is coming. Bass I know ennoh kolloh bey3addy :D
Brownie said…
hi Gjoe:
Glad that u liked the template, ta3'ir bardo :)
Wish u happy entire week ya Rab =)

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