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as i mentioned earlier, our company has been merged with another, so till we settle down, i kept my work on a flash memory.
smart and cautious i am, i decided to copy my work on my personal pc .
stupid i am bardo i did not copy the files, i cut them... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh angry
i am at work now with empty falsh memory trying to call my home, so anyone can send me the files but useless.
kaman i discovered today is off after coming to work, i notice that the road is empty but never guessed why.
have a nice day everyone.

p.s: after reading Umslopagas's post, really i am grateful for everthing el hamdolliah, begad amazing post, check it out


Ma 3lina said…
Happy ta7irir sina's Day :)))

Ya mastola el nas kolha 3arfa en today is off.. u gotta check ur calender !!
Brownie said…
i am mastola fe3lan bas is not the first time we celebrate it wala aih =( ?!
keda keda it was not off today at work so wala akeni 3arfa 7aga :D
batates_777 said…
today wasnt off for us ! only for schools and so ! not employees !
am sorry for the mess you hd today..m3lesh we all go through it once we format the PC or anything of this sort..m3lesh :)
Brownie said…
thanks alot for ur care. el hamdolliah today had passed smoothly, i called my brother and he sent me the important files and my 2 mangers did not show up so el hamdolliah
Mizom said…
i did not know either about the eid whatever, it was sort of a surprise for someone who decided to boycott all sort of useless news!
the worst thing that i had to work! and my company was acquired by one big gigantic company! all i dream off now is the lay off!
Brownie said…
ma 3lina C Mo aho did not know either, it is not only me, kaman it was not on my office calender :(
Mo think positively, joining a big company enhancing ur career so cling to ur job
Mani said…
Best of luck Ya Safaa.
Soon u would be able to laugh about it =D
Brownie said…
Hello ya Mani:
el hamdolliah it passed 3ala khir, thanks for Lilo's prayers

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