Today i knew that my friend, or should i say once had been a friend, got engaged to her co-worker who was already engaged to another co-worker and who dumbed her for my friend and this ex-fiancee' had a nervous breakdown at work....considered me old fashioned or whatever but this is so mean..
why does it seem that everyone is depressed, really why?!!
Are we spoiled? or it is really the hard life?!
I got a new job today...el hamdolliah
I have a new goal....el hamdolliah
finally, i watched a movie this week called (walk the line) and WOW, i loved the soundtracks so much...i like the country music.
As you can see from my previous posts that i have been angry and sad for a quite long time now, i am angry at people around me, friends, family and my manger . And most of all, i am angry at myself. the thing is that i am not used to failure and i never expect that i fail, i have always achieved what i want to and if i have not reached my goal, the results were always satisfactory and near to the main goal. so now i fail, i did really, i have not achieved my goal, i have not got near achieving it, and eventually i lost my way. so i got disappointed, and angry because i failed and not knowing the reasons. as result, when this anger should be directed at someone. i blame people in my life for not supporting me enough or for telling me to be patient or to try harder, i could not handle advices so i stop talking to them. i came up with false reasons, government, injustice, inequality, bad luck, you name it. recently i told myself that i should not be angry at anyone, because it is not anyb...
and you are not old fashioned, unless you called being human old fashioned.
I do really believe life is supposed to be that hard this is what god had created us to live through, but i honestly believe that a lot of people are so depressed from the lack of problems like Europe having the largest Suicide rates , anyways Cong. about your new job and goal, hope I'll have a new goal soon
"walk the line " It's Johnny cash movie right! well I have been bouncing from wanna see to not interesting , depending on the mood, but i heard it was good, you are a country music fan! wow who would have thought.
that's a comment longer than your post, sorry for that. bye
one last thing could you turn off the "Word Verification", it's kind of annoying
about my friend, she was always the most crazy one in the group, we love her for that and i still do but to be that mean...i did not know.
for depression,that is why i said we are spoiled.
for the movie, yes it is for jonney cash..u have to see it, it really nice.
thanks alot for ur wishes and ya Rab u ll find a new goal very soon and by the way i removed the word varification :)
when i first read your post and you said is life hard or are we spoiled? , I thought i know the answer of that , we are not spoiled life is hard but apparently that's what the OTHER thought, me ! I think it's combination of both
Congrats on the job and the goal in life, just don't let that goal become an obsession, I hate to be a stormcrow, but if it becomes an obsession and you lose it, it'll break you.
About your friend, nothing I can say, except the usual, people are totally inconsiderate of anything but what they want to do.
la2 i knew that there is a word verification, it helps prevents spam as if ya3ni
el mohem u r most welcome.
yes, we can say it is combination but sometimes i feel that overestimating of our pbs, me at least.
yes i did not know and u know what it turned out that i did not know any of my friends at all and u r right ppl r so selfish.
thanks alot and for the goal, don't worry i learned no to hold on anything, whatever wanna go i would let it goes :) peacefully