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Egypt as i know it <3

I was born in Egypt and I have been living here my whole life and I have never been abroad.
I know that we have many problems here and I face many bad situations on daily basis.
I cannot help but love it, after all it is a home for me.
Here I have a family, a great Egyptian one, and great friends, strangers who still care to ask if I got hurt in front of eyes.
People who thank Allah everyday, whenever they face hardship and remind others to thank too.
I love it is beautiful Nile, its blue wonderful sea and the smell of it.

I love the masajids and the voice of the azan.
I love the spiritual joy in Ramadan and in El Eid.
I love people sense of humor.
I love the ancient places.

I wrote this post because I fed up with all foreigners or even the Egyptians who are living abroad who cannot stop nagging when they come for a visit.
They keep saying in my country there is blah blah if they are the reason for everything good in their countries.

Egypt is crowded, so are china and states.
Egypt is polluted so is china.
In Egypt, there are a lot of girls who wears tight clothes with hijabi, I don’t mean it is right, but in states and many European countries, girls hardly put on clothes.

I compare only to tell everyone that there is no perfect country, they all have the good and bad so does Egypt.

so please when you come to visit, look to the half full of the cup.


Mohammad said…
you forgot to mention that Egypt is sliding on the transparency scale i.e. corruption scale. almost all that u mentioned as good points are appearances, and even those are being torn apart year by year to reveal the very rotten "Egyptian" that we never acknowledge. I am an Egyptian and have always been here and never traveled just like you, but wouldn't be wise to compare with anywhere else. I only see a country not worth living in, where policemen are the real danger and people are always hiding daggers behind their backs.

Sorry to be so pessimistic, but I say black when I see it.
Brownie said…
hello marooned84
i did not say we don't have problems,i said we do alot to deal with with everyday.
but if we see it like u see it, it will never change.
also i said that i don't mean to compare,i only tell u that no one is perfect.
another example,Guantanamo and abu Ghraib prisons are not they examples of lack of transparency and sever corruption of so-called the most civilized country in the world.
Mohammad said…
1st of all, the most civilized country in the world is not USA, not even the 2nd or 3rd. there's a very big difference between the rich and civilization. I can name u at least 5 european countries that are more "civilized" than the US on modern terms.

and guess what? refusing to see things is the main reason we're goin down instead of up. using makeup to hide our problems or pretending they're not there is what makes Egypt what it is. we never solve problems, we just hide them and say "masr a7san mn 3'er-ha".

u know wt? Guantanamo is is much more humane than out prisons, not to mention our secret ones where even the families don't know where their sons are. It's never wise to throw rocks when your house is made of glass.
Brownie said…
again I've never said that we don't have problems,we do and if u want me to start counting i will.
all i am saying that Egypt is not that bad and in order to make it better, we should love it instead of cursing it and watching it sinking.
just one thing, in Guantanamo, people are held without any allegations against them for u think this is human?
at the end, yes masr a7san mn 3'irha
The.I.inside said…
like you brownie I've never been out of Egypt, but I still love it,despite that it became uncool and a just not fashionable to say so, cause saying you love Egypt means you are ignorant and never-been anywhere.
but i truly believe that the biggest problem with Egypt is the people. when anyone complains about Egypt in front of me i always say, yeah you are right Egypt does suck , so what are you doing here get out why are you visiting if it's that bad.
but if he/she is living here i say get out, they usually say I wish i could but i can't so i go, well apparently it's the only country willing to host you so shut up.
I mean I've always been told if you want something done , do it yourself . so instead of complaining about stuff CHANGE it, if you are too scared then you are the problem, you are too negative.
sorry for the long comment, but i can't help but vent about my love to Egypt and the lack apprecation of Egyptians
Brownie said…
thank God that someone agrees with me.
and yes Egypt curse is its people, people who complain all the time and never do anything to change it.
hope oneday things will get better inshaallah.
thanks alot fo ur comment

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