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I have not talked about my cat a lot in this blog, I guess I only mentioned her once or twice, so since she is now 7 years old and she is very important to me as I get to know people better, I fall more for her.

  • Here is when I first got it, the first year, she was younger

  •  I carry her to get a proper picture of her <3>
  • Here is the scary look, it completely does not define her, she is the cutest, kind heart cat.

  • What are you eating look =)

  •  Sleeping like an angel.

  • Fully awake =)

  • One day I lost her, it was one of the worst days, my whole family was looking for her with me.
  • She welcomes me when I return home. she could hide all day, only appears at the time of me coming home.
  • She stays where I stay.
  • She wakes me up whenever I am late or she just bored or need to eat.
  • She has a personality of her own, she would not eat any food, proper food only.
  • She cleans herself after you pat her.
  • I have always been an animal-lover since I was a kid, and I had a lot of pets, such as dog, frogs, yeah frogs, chicks, rabbits, turtle, birds and finally Popsi. she is my favorite one ever.
  • Whenever people claim that cats are not as loyal as dogs, stereotype they don't have dogs nor cats, I want to tell them to look around and tell me how many people are as loyal as dogs.


Anonymous said…
Aww, makes me want to have a cat .

Anonymous said…
Are you a genie or not human by the way ?! , you seem too super to be a normal human being or even a human being .
Brownie said…

Yeah,get one, you would never regret it :) promise


Thanks for the compliment :) blushing
Anonymous said…
You forgot to add that the cat isn't as annoying as YOU are !. ALL your pics have this superior(better then the rest) narcissistic look mixed with envy and hatred . Who gave you the right to THINK that you are superior to most people?! . You have a God complex !. You are negative , narcissistic , bossy , have this strong personality and aura or vibe that sucks certain people's vibe , happiness , aura .I am 100 percent sure that you have a personality disorder most probably narcissism and a mental or psychological illness, oh and GROW up will you , life doesn't revolve around you . Seek help and get better or turn into a better person , if you want certain others to come back to you .
Anonymous said…
Babe, I MISS You SO MUCH!!
I'm sorry i can't be with you :(( .
Anonymous said…
Why do you have a nice persian like cat , while i have a dirty street cat ?!
Brownie said…
Anonymous 3:
I don't even have a single pic of me on this blog, I doubt that you even know me. seriously I petty you and that sick mind of you.

Anonymous 4:
Ok whatever

Anonymous 5:
What is the wrong with that? jealous?
Anonymous said…
Hey , you don't know me .. I'm Laila by the way ,anyways i've been reading your blog from the first time you had it , and it shows what a wonderful person you are . I like all your posts , and especially the posts about your little niece , Zanzoon , i believe it's her nickname ?,or so that is what you wrote . How is she now ?
Also you don't talk much about your daily life, like you used to before . I love the wish list , makes me want to have a wish list of my own .

This is just to tell you that i like your blog ,and keep on blogging :)
Anonymous said…
Hey , your blog title reminds me of the movie "Meet Joe black" , apparently Brad pitt plays the role of the Angel of death , are you anything like his role ?
Anonymous said…
One time I put "Meet the Brownie" on google translate just for fun and what it translated is :
جنية سمراء صغيرة

Are you by any chance a Genie/Djin ?!
Anonymous said…
Hey it's Laila again :) .
You always write posts when it comes to your Birthday , i look forward to reading them , but this time you didn't write any post .I hope you are okay .

Happy Belated Birthday , by the way .

How old are you now ? :)
Brownie said…

Thanks a lot for your nice comment :)
I wish I can write as frequent as I used to, it is just comforting.

I have not been able to write my birthday post, because I had to work till 10 but all the time I had a draft for it on my mind so I wrote it first thing in the morning, hope you like it.

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