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Little Pieces

I have not been writing for too long but I wanted to write so bad like before, with all the angry emotions I have, it is not like they are not here anymore, they are here but I get used to them being here and not showing them. they are there in their cage, in my chest.

It has been a long time since I cried, true long time, it is not like I have nothing to cry over, it is like more stronger, or careless, I don't know. I have not been happy for myself for along time either but I have been happy seeing people happy with their lives. I like to share people moments I missed.

I am missing something everyday, not sure when can I get it or would I ever get it. I am not even sure if I will get used to the idea of living without it.

How could people suddenly become so rude? I mean all of them. how often they hurt you? once a day at least. how often do I hurt you?

Am grateful for everything I prayed for and got it el hamdoliah.

As we grow older, a partner is a necessity for survival not a luxury. Friends will never show up in time. No matter what they say about you being a priority, sorry my dear you are not anymore and guess what you will be always there for them. that is how much stupid you could be.

I wonder if you have ever loved me. I wish I would know but I would not like to hear that you did not so I prefer not to know and assume that you did. why would not you anyway?!

I still want to see the ocean, travel to Turkey and ride a horse on the beach, a black glowing stallion.


Anonymous said…
Hey , it's Tinkerbell :) ( my old blog was Tinkerbell's neverland ) , anyways i did a stupid mistake , with the new blog i wrote a different title then the link , so now google doesn't recognise my blog ,so you can't see it on google , but it's still there under :

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