الحياة تحيرنا. تبهرنا بالبراق من ألوانها,
كى نرتاد دروبها فرحا وغفلة, ثم تفجؤنا فى الحنايا الصوادم؟ أم تراها تحتال علينا,
بأن تمنحنا أحيانا ما يحاذى أحلامنا، وقد يفوق، فنسرف فى الطمأنينة ونختال بين
الخيالات؟..من يدرى؟ لعل الحياة لا تكترث بنا أصلا، فنلاحقها نحن بصنوف الحيل حتى
يغمرنا التعلق بالتمنى, والتقلب فى الترقب, والأمل فى اهتبال النوال. عسانا أن
ننسى مع مر السنين، أننا فى خاتمة التطواف مسلوبون لا محالة، ومحجوبون...
محال ليوسف زيدان
This guy is brilliant, I will buy his books just for the first lines of it, remember this, but to be honest the book is stunning, all of it. You have to read it, no you must,.
Yeah I read it, it is amazing..I highly recommend it =)
you don't know me but i've been a dedicated reader to your blog , very nice and interesting blog.I also noticed that you haven't been writing about your niece that much , i hope everything is ok with her and you, waiting to hear from you :).
Oh thanks a lot for your sweet comment and for my niece, I have 2 now el hamdoliah, the eldest is joining school soon inshaallah, They are just a blessing...Thanks a lot for asking =)
Thanks a lot..so sweet of you =)
Long time no post !
Are you okay?! :)
Someone you know !
Am good el hamdoliah what about u?
you are someone I know, most probably you are my kind anonymous friend. rite?
I hope you don't feel as lonely for long :)
Your Anonymous friend :)
How are you? Hope everything is great at your end.
Yeah am a bit alone this day =( for sorry, hope it would not last for longer time inshaallah...Thanks a lot for asking
Well it's been a long time since you've posted and you state that you are lonely , so i am checking if everything is ok with ya , and as you said hope it wont be for long ! :).
Your Anonymous friend :)