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I confess
  • That i love you so much ya Sally and if i was not afraid of the evil eye, i would write a whole post/book about why i love you but i won't because i want you to stay promised, right?
  • That you have the most gorgeous eyes i have ever seen.
  • That many days i cry myself to sleep.
  • That i am too scared of tomorrow and death.
  • That i freaked out when i discover my first tiny wrinkle and yeah i realized that i am getting old and it scares me that i might not get my dreams achieved before it is too late.
  • I pity people who goes around judging, underestimating, thinking less of others, because i believe they are losers themselves and that it is just a desperate hope to feel good about themselves.
  • That some of your words hurts me the most although i don't show.
  • I am having dreams about you.
  • That since my blog has been known to my friends, it lost his privacy and intimacy i used to enjoy the most.
  • That if i don't like from first meeting, most probably i will never ever like you.
  • If you empty from inside, nothing will fill this emptiness.
  • It feels great to tell people you love that they hurts you when they do, so you could get it off your chest and move on...most probably you will love them more.
  • But with people you don't care about, don't bother.
  • I love my job el hamdolliah.
  • I am not that smart but because i work hard you can easily mistaken me as smart, but i still have my moments where i feel that i am so smart el hamdolliah.
  • These days i am so grateful and satisfied with everything i have el hamdolliah, although some people think that i should not but i am رغما عن أنفسهم
  • I miss writing on my blog and i get angry at people who shut their blogs, same3 ya Ibhog?!, it has memories of good and bad happy and sad but it is part of us, stop writing for a while but don't close it.



Anonymous said…
You are one ugly brown skinned person . We whites can get a tan or be white , but you you will always be brown.
Brown like shit .
Anonymous said…
Lovely blog and i like this post :)

Brownie said…
Dalia: Thanks a lot and welcome =)
Brownie said…
Anonymous 1:
Ouch..that was really racist but i can not say anything but i pity you, poor you with the little use you make of your head.
and thanks for telling me that i am always be BROWN...i love it =)
Noly said…
Brownie you are such a real wonderful girl :). Just keep it up and don't bother yourself with those sick minds :).
Anonymous said…
I agree with Anonymous 1 , brown and black skinned people are lower class, it's like sirilankins ,who are less , only there to make the rest feel good about themselves.
Anonymous said…
Well I confess that I lie alot ,
oh by the way we have the same layout design of the blog but different colors.
, just want to tell you i like the design of the blog :) .

sincerely raindrop
Anonymous said…
I am glad you are confessing !
but in reality it's not really you

Natural conspiracy
Mani said…
Some people should get a life.

Nice post ya Safaa, i love ur mind <3
Anonymous said…
We all love conspiracies don't we

Via open diary
Anonymous said…
miss your writings :)
Brownie said…
You are such a wonderful friend.thanks a lot.

Annoyance 1 & 2:
I don't really care about what u think...i am black and am not going anywhere and for sure am not getting any whiter so go have a life and mind ur own business.

Thanks a lot

That is part of me

I told them to go and have life =)
Thanks a lot..i love you too.

I don't actually

Thanks a lot i miss writing too =)
i wish to know who u r.
Ehab Shahat said…
nice confessions, just don't be that afraid of death, keep on believing in GOD's mercy and you'll be waiting and missing this moment of death than any other moment.
Brownie said…
first welcome to my blog and thanks a lot for your comment.
El hamdoliah i don't doubt Allah's mercy but it is like waiting for exam results, even if you have all things by your side, you still wonder if you gonna make it, got me?
Ehab Shahat said…
Yeah, and God helps us all.
Brownie said…
Ameen :)

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