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Waiting as a blessing

waiting could be a nice thing
waiting could be a blessing
waiting to marry the love of your life
waiting to see the one you love.
waiting to start your dream job
waiting to see a friend or a relative
waiting then is a blessing
but waiting forever is definitely a curse


Ma 3lina said…
They say patience is a virtue !!

Sometimes, u gotta let things happens whenever they r meant to be ..
Polka Dotted said…
well I always believed I was born without Patience :D its a curse !

I can't wait for anything to happen, I might do something stupid because I'm eager to see the consequences...

and another simple Q bas.. what is a "dream job" ? :D how do u define it y3nee?
lovely post Brownie...I agree.

it seems that pretty much all of us r waiting for something to happen or to come.

Well as much as I agree with that...I'd luv to say that there shud be something to be done on our part...then we I think only then would it not be would not be a curse then...nice post Brownie..I totally feel u.

and why is ur current status 'lonely'? oh dear...well write about it...well ur not that lonely :)

And btw, since it's june and ur a Gemini...ur bd shud be somewhere around the corner...well I wish u a happy one for sure...a warm and cozy one.
Brownie said…
Ma 3lina:
ah it is a virtue indeed but on a pessimistic view what if things we waiting for r not meant to be aslan, that is what scares me
Brownie said…
u r just like me, i can not wait, metsrb3a 3ala tool, that is part of being curious one.
for my dream job, mmm interesting Q actually but i don't know the answer :D
no seriously, i am not sure how to define it but i will know once i get it inshaa Allah =)
can u?!
Brownie said…
thanks a lot dear
and again u r right, we have to do something about what we waiting for but sometimes u just can do nothing about it but praying, hoping and again waiting.
on being lonely, i just missing a friend so bad.
for BD, i wrote a post about it and u comment on it =( , u forgot wala aih? now u owe me a birthday gift ;)
my BD was on 23rd may, second day Gemini starts, when is urs?

thanks alot for ur wishes and i wish u all the happiness
Che said…
couldn`t agree more , waiting forever equal killing your self
Brownie said…
exactly that is what i meant, it is killing
welcome and thanks for your comment
SudanGuardian said…
waiting is definitely impotent, and the well to wait for your friends,family,and loved one is a way of telling them that you care. but there are people who wait for a dream that they are sure would not be possible, they are sure that it is not the right goal/dream for them and they are sure it is too late to look back in time and assume that if we wait that we would have another chance. nice post brownie, by the way have you got an extra brownie on that plate!!!
Anonymous said…
I hate waiting. Especially when you don't know what you're waiting for or will it make you happy or not, but you just have nothing to do but wait.
So touching brownie though :))
Brownie said…
u r right but there is something called miracle that gives ppl like me a hope that something may be considered impossible to happen, could actually happen,who knows?!
for the brownies, sure,i always have extra, i am addicted to sweets ;)
Brownie said…
ah that is more difficult, waiting for the unknown.
but waiting for something u want is worth the effort
thanks alot =)
Hey Brownie, yea evidently I totally forgot that I wished u a happy BD before...anyway lovely to have done it all again akeed :) Always a happy BD for u Brownie.

Well, mine was last friday..the 12th of June. Now it's me who needs a BD present from u...

As for the waiting thing, I still think there's not anything we can do nothing about...for ex. u wanna lover?!! then one wud have to be more social n sometime more goin to new places to meet n know new ppl for ex...
u wanna great job?!! one wud have to take courses..develop themselves and etc. U c? keda ya3ny.

ANyway brownie..I wish u all things beautiful...genuinely...yea y wudnt I? ur a sweet n kind girl..and ur a Gemini too like me...soon ur wait will be over. Know that.
Brownie said…
hello, how r u?
Happy birthday to u, hope u enjoyed ur day and thanks for ur wishes to me.
regarding the waiting, i agree on the job part but i don't agree on the love part, coz i believe u can not chase love, u can have more friend by being social but u can not go out to hunt a lover, it would end up that u have causal relations, that would not last more than weeks.
i wish u too all the happiness ya Rab.
Hassnaa said…
hun ure tagged :)
check my "thoughts"
Sara said…
I love thiss..!
Brownie said…
oh thanks for the tag =) but i already did ;)
check it out here
Brownie said…
thanks alot for passing by, commenting, and following =)

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