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It really piss me off when i deal with arrogant people who believe that they are better than others because they are prettier, richer,or more educated.

They believe that they got it all.

Arrogance has different aspects like:

Racism: in 21 st century, i still see people who differentiate others based on skin color.

It happened once that my relative,who is btw black, called people with darker skin slaves, i got furious and asked him how can he still hold this idea when Islam empathizes that we all God slaves and no one is better than other except with religiosity and what made it worse that he himself is BLack

Arrogance was Satan biggest sin because he refused to obey Allah's orders because he believed that he is better than Adam (SW) only because he was created from fire but Adam (SW) was created from dust.

No one said that being created from fire is better than being created from dust but his ignorance blinded him

Atheism: arrogance can lead to atheism when one believes that he too smart to believe in something while not seeing it

so if you don't see me now while i am posting, then i am not existent to you, makes a lot of sense :S

Ignorance: because arrogant people are superficial, so most of the time they ignore the core value of the human because of superficial features.

there are a lot other aspects of arrogance but those are the ones i met recently.

My grandma, May she RIP, used to pray "اللهم علينا ووطى من أنفسنا"

My advice for myself and anyone who is thinking that he/she is better than anyone else for whatever reason to remember that we are from dust and to dust we return and what would matter then our deeds.

whether you are pretty , rich or educated, all that can go in a blink of an eye and then you would find people who look down at you exactly the way you looked down at others.

The prophet PBUH said that no one has an atom's weight of arrogance in his heart will enter paradise.

p.s. i love that tiger, very beautiful and strong


SudanGuardian said…
you are defiantly right, the problem is that this sort of mindset only divides the country and decrease the chance for diversity and development.the problem is that we have some of these people in Sudan. above all the prophet Mohammed (W.A.A.W) said that no Arab is superior over a non-Arab, and no white is superior over black. we are all the same but we just only look for our deferences more then our similarities.
OpeRon® said…
Dear Brownie..

I have been surfing your blog for the past hour, a true joy to read.. It is simple and very very personal .. I feel like I am reading my on thoughts "some of them at least" :)

Keep it on

P.S. I make the most perfect Brownies ever :)
Brownie said…
actually the one who refered to darker skin ppl as slaves is from my sudanese part, and he refered to the southern ppl, imagine how much racist is he, i told him then they have every right when they want to separate the south from the north, because i am sure they are also treated them as slaves too.
exactly we r all human.
el hamdolliah for Islam begad
Brownie said…
is not it the nicest thing to start a day with?!
thanks alot for ur nice comment, my pleasure that u enjoy it =)

p.s. i am addicted to brownies, i will pick one in my to home inshaallah :)
Polka Dotted said…
e7''' I hate arrogant people... especially when most of their arrogance is MADE UP !... nezam ana geddo el basha , and when I was at harvard, w el ring abo 10000000 geneh w keda..

its a good thing that we're raised by a family that does not promote that.... cause some families do promote it... they are like teaching their children not to talk to anyone or keda...

Thank God
Brownie said…
ah dolm mosiba akter, begad they are really stupid, lying can not last for too long.
yeah el hamdolliah gedan that our families are not that type.
SudanGuardian said…
Brownie, yep you are right but we can change this aspect in the minds of people because after all this sort of racism is everywhere but there are people out there that can fix it. i believe it needs time and education. by the way nice post keep on posting :)
Brownie said…
yes u r definitely right, we need education and persistence on change this view.
thanks alot for pssing by and comment =)
Anonymous said…
Asslamu aleikum,
Great post! We need to remember how Allah SWT detests arrogance but LOVES humbleness. Keep writing, sister--the deen needs you! :)
Brownie said…
we alikom el salam we Rahmato Allah we barakatoh
thanks a lot for ur nice comment =) really appreciable
sabrina said…
I know what you mean -- sometimes I wish I could just humble those people -- but then I'm reminded that it's not my place. Instead, we should make du'aa that Allah (swt) protects us from people like that, and keeps us safe from ever displaying those characteristics ourselves.
Brownie said…
u said one important thing that we should be aware not to fall in that ya Rab

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