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Showing posts from September, 2009


Ok now i am starting losing my mind officially =D, i have been under stress for quite sometime, and as a result i have sleeping problems and sometimes nightmares that wake me up and i find myself thanking Allah so much that it was just a nightmare. Recently, i have begun to see hallucination kaman =) Hole in the roof hallucination: yesterday i wake up at night and i freaked out when i imagined a hole in the roof and in a second, i wondered where that part of roof fell, because there was nothing in the bed beside or over me, i still turned on the light and checked and i found the roof good and complete el hamdolliah. The open door hallucination: 2 weeks ago or so, i also wake up at middle of the night to drink water, i imagined that someone opened the door and close it and i was sure that i went to ask my mom, who was still awake, whether she is the one who did that but of course she was not. Am i getting crazy or what?! Rabana yostor...anyway have a peaceful night inshaallah
I am so nervous, i am starting a new job next Sunday inshaallah. It is another career shifting but still on the track. Pray for me اللهم لاسهل إلا ماجعلته سهلا وأنت تجعل الحزن إن شئت سهلا

"El hamdolliah" Tag

I was tagged by IBHOG to start count my blessings which are enormous so he limited them to 5-10, since it is the best tag, here we go; 1. Being healthy el hamdolliah, it happened once that i got really sick and i stayed in bed for almost 3 days, i could not get out of it, i could not eat or do anything, i got really bored, that is when i realized the health gift i took it for granted but not anymore el hamdolliah. The word: amazing 2. Going through tough times: although i have been very good at school and have always been appraised by my teachers, it was hard for me to find a good job until recently el hamdolliah, i learned a lot from this period el hamdolliah. The word: Hardship 3. My niece: i love her so much and enjoy her companion a lot even when she is really noisy, i love when she makes me smile when i am really sad, when i just remember her and smile coz i remember some of her actions, i love when she hugs me, i just adore her el hamdolliah. she called me fafa few days ago =D T...