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Showing posts from January, 2009

Random thoughts

I still get excited every time i get my salary el hamdolliah. I don't accept criticism, may be because i criticize myself all time. today one of my co-worker criticized me, i was furious because it is not his business, then i realize that is what i was telling to myself lately and he is right but still it is not his business. The same co-worker told me once, when i suggest that we eat cake, you people, he means black people, love the cake, right?! i was like ha?! what is the relation btw being black and loving cake we kaman who does not love cake!!! A dedicated song bright my whole week :) I came across this pic while searching online and i love it...are not they very cute?

could it happen in a fairytale?

would Mr. prince charming get married to Fiona if he loves her and live happily ever after?! i mean the real prince charming not the short mean king in the movie, let's say prince charming is Brad Pitt...i am exaggerating but come on it is a fairytale.

He would not just

he is noisy, he is persistent, he is stubborn. he would not just leave alone. he bothers me all the time. he does not like what i do most of the time. he talks and talks. he would not let me sleep. he would just wake me up to talk to me. he would not shut up. he would repeat the moments i wanna forget. and forget what i wanna to remember. he is noisy, persistent and stubborn, still i can not give him up. because he is my mind and my conscious.