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Showing posts from May, 2014


So I am 30, single and independent and that is awesome :) I just hit my 30s, so don't ever dare telling me what to do.

About Love

Today I saw a couple hugging and show affection, I know it is not new, I live in Europe and this is normal. But those specially touched me. they were so sweet. He walked by her side, holding her hand in one hand and his bike in the other hand. From time to time, she would stop him to give him a kiss or a hug. It made me wonder, how does it feel to be deeply in love, to be able to hug him/her anywhere, to be safely in love. If you had this kind of love for once in your lifetime, then be grateful, you probably deserve it.

Life is difficult

Yeah true it is. Lets forget about the photos with the smiley faces. All the nice places we check in. All the Am fine words. Because I am not fine and life is not fine. I hate being alone and I love it in the same time. I want to have a dog but I cannot. I cannot stop think of you. I want just to sleep tight and happy. I want to be happy but till then am just fine outside, heartbroken inside.