Last December, me and three of my friends went to Sharm El Shaikh and on the last day we decided to climb prophet Mosa's mountain PBUH and visit Saint Catherine monastery and it was such the highlight of the whole trip. It was my first time to do the following things; First time to climb a mountain. Prophet Mosa's mountain. First time to do تيمم , it was freezing and my finger were about to fall, a British guy told us how to do it & we prayed el Fajr over the mountain. First time to walk for about 14KM & climb up 750 stairs and back down...It still hurts when I think about it :) "We were supposed to watch the sun rise, but we were so tired to really enjoy it" First time to go to Saint Catherin monastery and it is awesome. "Have you ever seen such a beautiful sky?! I doubt" ...
It is more than just a cake and it goes far beyond just a color...