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Showing posts from January, 2012

Novel Quote

الحياة تحيرنا. تبهرنا بالبراق من ألوانها, كى نرتاد دروبها فرحا وغفلة, ثم تفجؤنا فى الحنايا الصوادم؟ أم تراها تحتال علينا, بأن تمنحنا أحيانا ما يحاذى أحلامنا، وقد يفوق، فنسرف فى الطمأنينة ونختال بين الخيالات؟..من يدرى؟ لعل الحياة لا تكترث بنا أصلا، فنلاحقها نحن بصنوف الحيل حتى يغمرنا التعلق بالتمنى, والتقلب فى الترقب, والأمل فى اهتبال النوال. عسانا أن ننسى مع مر السنين، أننا فى خاتمة التطواف مسلوبون لا محالة، ومحجوبون... محال ليوسف زيدان    This guy is brilliant, I will buy his books just for the first lines of it, remember this , but to be honest the book is stunning, all of it. You have to read it, no you must,.

My experience with the police

Yesterday we discovered that my aunt's house, who lived abroad, had been stolen. First thing, me, mom and sisters was to call the police and not enter the flat, first because we were afraid and second not to mess with the prints if there were any..English movies only. We called the police, its number just for the info 122, he hang up once and did not try to call us back, then we called him again, he asked what had been stolen? We told him that we were afraid to enter and we cannot enter in order to mass up with the prints, he said he won't be able to get us someone unless we told him what had been stolen. Then he called again to tell me that I have to go to the police station and file a record so someone can go with me for investigation. ya 7alwa. At that time, we called a neighbor and go into the flat, prints was everywhere. the thief was really an idiot and he is now free because of our good for nothing police. Anyway after we went to the station, the guy told us th...