Birds immigrate from their home when it is getting colder, when the food, water and decent living becoming scarce But they return to their home in summer, when the home sun is full the sky, they brought home some good that they got from where they came from. They have missed the home, the other birds who could not afford the immigration. Some birds are paralyzed by their love to their nest, by their home. They would lost the way if the trees they grow up with lost a leaf or two. But others, the immigrated birds are daring, they know it is greener out there, they know that others have been there, and some had lost their way home, but they promise themselves they won't but God only know what happens when they immigrate. After all nothing stay the same. The home birds always wait for the beloved immigrated ones; they happy to share the less they have in their home; they enjoy the few times they have with them and not thinking about the departure when everything returns to its first st...
It is more than just a cake and it goes far beyond just a color...