yes i do life is a gift that u did not really is also a weird one coz it keeps surprising u everyday. sometimes i love it so much that i wanna gv it a very big hug and never let it go. sometimes i got so furious coz of life but i still wish to get better all of us dreaming of a better future ,we never expect the bad stuff that is why we don't accept them when they come and we blame our life.. we dream with a perfect life and we have never thought that Allah (SWT) is the perfect only. so again my advice to u and me ,next time when u dream ,dream less so when u get the more u ll be more than grateful but still do ur best coz i still believe that Allah reward us for our efforts next time i am going to dream i won't dream with prince charming brilliant job ,or flawless kids.....i am going to pray that Allah gvs me whatever He thinks is good for me... one last word for my life ,i am grateful that i have u el hamdolliah